Massage is all about touch therapy. Massage is known to improve blood flow and aid lymph gland function. This in turn works on the nervous system to reduce muscular tension and stiffness. Massage therapy has also shown benefits in improving pulmonary function in kids suffering asthma, reducing distress in persons, enhancing immune system and improving motor development in infants, especially premature ones.
A massage therapist is trained and skilled in massage therapy for medicinal benefits. Massage therapists manipulate the soft tissues by hand, applying fixed or movable pressure. A massage therapist uses hands but sometimes the forearms and elbows are also used. Massage therapists work towards relieving pain, reducing stress and relaxing the muscles. Most often, the massage serves to make the person feel more calm and relaxed.
Massage therapists can specialize in acupressure, reflexology, orthopedic, sports massage and deep tissue massage. Neuromuscular massage is a deep massage that releases trigger points and reduces pain. Acupressure and Shiatsu use thumb or finger pressure on specific points to release blocked energy and release tension.
Become a massage therapist
Massage therapist employment options
Massage therapists can be self-employed; a survey revealed that about 57% of massage therapists are self-employed. Nearly 48% massage therapists work as part-timers. Increasingly, massage therapy is being offered in nearly 40% of hospitals. Sometimes, you can specialize in pregnancy massage or Fibromyalgia massage. Massage therapists can work in spas and massage franchises, cruise ships and resorts. You can get referrals from chiropractors and other healthcare professionals.
Massage therapist job responsibilities
The responsibility of a massage therapist includes the following:
Typically, for an hour of massage, a therapist earns anywhere from $15 - $58. Entry-level salaries for trained massage therapists are around $20,400 annually, though they can even go as high as $80,000 based on where you practice.
Massage therapist career
In this profession, you work by appointment only. Typically a massage therapist needs to factor in long working hours, especially early mornings and late evenings. Weekends are busy times. It is tiring for the therapist, who must ensure good posture and rest. You need to possess high energy levels and passion for the practice.
Listening skills, empathy and ethical practice are of utmost importance to a massage therapist career. You need to build a rapport with your clients to create trust and respect; so essential in this profession. You should feel comfortable working with your client's bodies. Other than the part worked upon, the rest of the body is kept covered.